A 30 Day Program to Lose 5000 Pounds
“This book is fabulous! It couldn’t be more timely. It’s practical, accessible and effective. Getting people to take on global warming at a personal level is critical to tackling the issue. The Low Carbon Diet can make a huge difference.”
— Denis Hayes,
co-founder, Earth Day
As individuals we represent 50 percent of America’s carbon footprint and 50 to 90 percent of a community’s greenhouse gas emissions. If the bad news is that as individuals we are a major part of the problem, the good news is that we can also be a major part of the solution. By making specific, targeted changes to actions we already take every day, we can significantly reduce our CO2 emissions.
This is an easy-to-use guide that will show you, step-by-step, how to dramatically reduce your CO2 output in just a month’s time.
Grounded in over two decades of environmental behavior change research, this illustrated workbook offers much more than a list of eco-friendly actions. It walks you through every step of the process, from calculating your current CO2 “footprint” to tracking your progress.
By making simple changes to actions you take every day, you’ll learn how to reduce your annual household CO2 output by at least 15 percent. And, for those who are more ambitious, you’ll discover how you can help your workplace, local schools, and community do the same.
Join the growing number of citizens who have decided to take global warming into their own hands.
You’ll learn how to:
- Calculate your CO2 footprint with our easy-to-use “carbon calculator”
- Create “cool household systems” that save the Earth while saving you money
- Take on “cool lifestyle practices” that reduce CO2 emissions without cramping your style
- Purchase carbon offsets to become “carbon neutral”
- Form a Low Carbon Diet “EcoTeam” with friends, neighbors, co-workers or your faith community.

Track 6 certifies you to deliver one of the five following climate change programs:
Cool Community Campaign
The Cool Community Campaign is an education and outreach program to assist local governments and community-based organizations in empowering citizens, using Low Carbon Diet, to reduce their carbon footprint.
Cool Corporate Citizen
Cool Corporate Citizen is an employee engagement program for empowering employees in a company, using Low Carbon Diet, to reduce their carbon footprint in their home, transfer what they learned back to the workplace, and if desired, bring it into their community.
Cool Community Corps
Cool Community Corps is a program for engaging college and high school students to implement Low Carbon Diet in their community as part of an environmental club, service learning or capstone program. It provides students an opportunity to have a measurable impact on global warming while gaining valuable leadership and community organizing skills.
Low Carbon Diet Coaching Program
This is a coaching program using Low Carbon Diet. In this format a coach guides clients through the process of identifying, recommending and even implementing actions to help them reduce their carbon footprint. It has a handbook that describes potential clients, pricing, coaching frameworks, marketing and a program structure.
Children's Sustainable Lifestyle Program
This is a children’s version of Low Carbon Diet and Green Living program for kids 8 to 12 years old. This program can be delivered in a classroom, after-school club, youth organization or to children of adults taking part in an EcoTeam. It is complemented by a twenty-six-lesson plan educator’s curriculum called the “Coach’s Guide.”
Learn about the social change framework and research underpinning the Low Carbon Diet program in David Gershon’s award-winning book Social Change 2.0: A Blueprint for Reinventing Our World.Chapter 11 of the book is a case study of the Low Carbon Diet behavior change program and Cool Community empowerment model on which the Low Carbon Diet program is based.
Changing the World One Household at a Time, Portland’s 30 day program to lose 5000 lbs — Article by Sarah Rabkin about residential climate change program, Portland, OR. From the book, Creating a Climate for Change.

“Low Carbon Diet is a very effective program for helping people achieve real and lasting carbon reduction at the household level. We gave a copy to each person who was personally trained by Al Gore and The Climate Project to give a version of his slideshow. I recommend it to anyone who wants to do their part to reduce their carbon footprint.”
— Jenny Clad, Executive Director, Al Gore’s “The Climate Project