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A Coaching Program and Methodology for Changing Behavior and Deep Transformation
David Gershon and Gail Straub have applied their four decades of empowerment and behavior change expertise to develop a deeply transformative coaching program. Clients design their entire life over twelve sessions based on the successful Empowerment Workshop curriculum. This allows life coaches to market an actual coaching product. Since clients sign up for a twelve-session coaching program, it makes marketing time- and cost-effective. And once a client has finished the twelve sessions, they are predisposed to continue working with their coach to realize these visions and create the next ones.
- Individuals wishing to develop a full or part-time career as a life coach.
- Experienced life coaches wishing to enhance their value proposition through offering a structured coaching program and learning how to apply the empowerment coaching methodology.
- Executive coaches wishing to enhance their coaching skill set and client offerings.
- Executives wishing coaching skills to develop talent in their organization.
- Out-placement counselors wishing a program to help guide employees through work/life transition.

Program Purpose and Structure: The purpose of the life coaching program is to empower clients to envision and create the life they most want. The program is structured around exercises from David Gershon and Gail Straub’s best-selling book Empowerment: The Art of Creating Your Life As You Want It guided by your personal growth facilitation. It is divided into three parts: developing a personal growth foundation, envisioning life dreams, and manifesting these dreams.
The premise of the Empowerment Life Coaching Program is that our beliefs create the conditions of our life. If we wish to change our life, we need to envision the new possibility and transform the limiting beliefs that are creating the current situation. The coaching program applies this transformational methodology to the seven content areas of life: emotions, relationships, sexuality, body, money, work, and spirituality.
As a foundation for this transformational work, the Empowerment Life Coaching Program helps individuals create a healthy core belief system, use the tools of intention, affirmation and visualization to help manifest their dreams, and cultivate the personal power to sustain their growth over time. Coaching clients apply these tools to create dynamic visions in each of the seven life areas.
Twelve Sessions: There are twelve one-hour weekly sessions conducted either in person or via telephone. This pacing allows a client time to assimilate the growth and maintain motivation. The format is flexible and can be adapted, if necessary, to better suit the needs of your client or coaching style. i.e. longer sessions or greater duration of time between sessions.
Session Structure: You prepare the client for each session by assigning reading and a personal growth exercise from the Empowerment workbook. This enables the session to be focused and productive. The format for sessions include an open-ended check-in time, review of the reading and assigned exercise, a guided exercise, discussion, and growth facilitation.
Long-Term Coaching: After completing the twelve-session program your client will have many dreams for their life in the form of focused affirmations and visualizations. Although you have taught them how to work with these intentions and goals on a daily basis, many clients will wish continued coaching to stay motivated, particularly when they hit obstacles. They may also desire your coaching to probe deeper into a particular area of life. And once they have begun manifesting these dreams, if they have truly integrated the empowerment model, they will be on to their next “growing edge.” This will again benefit from your coaching.

Societal Change Applications of Track 1
Track One: A Career in Empowerment
The Tools to Transform Lives
Read about the Empowerment Institute Certification Program in a free download from David Gershon’s award-winning book Social Change 2.0: A Blueprint for Reinventing Our World, “Building Leadership Capacity to Change the World: A School for Transformative Social Change.”
Listen to excerpts from David Gershon and Gail Straub’s best-selling book Empowerment: The Art of Creating Your Life As You Want It, read by the authors:

“I just love the Empowerment Life Coaching Program. The way you have designed it enables real transformation. I am amazed by the immediate results it achieves in people’s lives. I am building my clientele fast. I got thirteen new clients and earned back my investment three times over within several months. Of course, it is through my own enthusiasm and belief in the excellence of this program that I created these results.”
— Isis Saris, Life Coach