“Cool Corporate Citizen is extremely well thought through and I highly recommend it to any company that wants to engage employees in a meaningful and powerful way on the issue of climate change. We ran a very successful Global Warming Cafe workshop that attracted 125 employees before we had to close out enrollment. Out of this workshop we formed 15 Low Carbon Diet EcoTeams to help our employees reduce their personal carbon footprint and then transfer this knowledge back to the company. Many of these EcoTeams have taken the program out into their communities.”
— Sarah Severn, Director, Corporate Responsibility Horizons, Nike
“We’ve always believed that we are more successful when we work together with our stakeholders towards common goals. Cool Corporate Citizen is a great opportunity to act on that belief holistically – through our own actions as a business, our employee volunteerism program and our outreach into the local community – all in an effort to raise awareness and change behavior related to greenhouse gas emissions.”
— Mike Dupee, Vice President, Corporate Social Responsibility, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters
“Cool Corporate Citizen is a well designed approach for accelerated learning and effective action around carbon reduction. It helps generate employee interest in wanting to learn and then translates this learning into behavior change and community engagement. It is a model that can be employed in any organization. It is a great resource for our business and we are proud to be a partner in disseminating it.”
— Joe Laur, Vice President, Education and Outreach Programs, Waste Management
“One of our major objectives as a company is to reduce our impact on global warming. Educating our people on how to change their behaviors contributing to this problem is one of our key strategies. With an educated workforce we then wish to reach out to our community and customers. Cool Corporate Citizen is the perfect tool to help us do this. The program is also a lot of fun.”
— Gregor Barnum, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility, Seventh Generation
“Learning how to engage people around the issue of global warming and then helping them take action is critical to achieving the needed changes. Cool Corporate Citizen provides a framework and tools enabling organizations and communities to participate in effective action. I have introduced the materials to corporations, municipalities, non-profit groups and neighbors – all of whom are now drawing on this program.”
— Charles Holmes, Learning Strategies Group, Faculty of Business, Simon Fraser University
Low Carbon Diet:
A 30 Day Program to Lose 5,000 Pounds
by David Gershon
The core tool of the Cool Community Campaign.
Learn about the social change framework and research underpinning the Low Carbon Diet program in David Gershon’s award-winning book Social Change 2.0: A Blueprint for Reinventing Our World.Chapter 11 of the book is a case study of the Low Carbon Diet behavior change program and Cool Community empowerment model on which the Low Carbon Diet program is based.

“We’ve always believed that we are more successful when we work together with our stakeholders towards common goals. Cool Corporate Citizen is a great opportunity to act on that belief holistically – through our own actions as a business, our employee volunteerism program and our outreach into the local community – all in an effort to raise awareness and change behavior related to greenhouse gas emissions.”
– Mike Dupee, Vice President, Corporate Social Responsibility, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters