Foundation Support
Empowerment Institute’s nonprofit research arm, Global Action Plan, has received the following foundation support for its environmental, womens empowerment, and peace building work around the world.
A Better World Fund
Adobe Systems
Bullitt Foundation
Ciba-Geigy Foundation
Compton Foundation
Cray Foundation
George Family Foundation
Global Environmental Project Fund
Home Depot Foundation
Hunt Foundation
Ittleson Foundation
Jebara Foundation
Joyce Mertz Gilmore Foundation
La Luz Foundation
Kettering Foundation
MacArthur Foundation
Madison Community Foundation, WI
Merck Family Fund
Meyer Memorial Trust
Nathan Cummings Foundation
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Oregon Climate Trust
Pew Charitable Trusts
Rockefeller Family Services
Soul Source Foundation
Sloan Foundation
Surdna Foundation
United Nations Children’s Fund
Corporate and Non-Profit Clients
Dozens of corporations and non-profits have been trained or formed strategic partnerships to implement Empowerment Institute’s methodology. Some of the larger or more well know clients include:
- American Express
- Coca-Cola
- Dove
- Deloitte
- Josie Maran Cosmetics
- Nike
- Omega Institute
- Sterling Publishing
- Unilever
- University of Pennsylvania
- Whole Foods Markets
- Women for Women International
- Arlington County, VA
- Bend City Water Department, OR
- Chattanooga-Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Agency, TN
- Chattanooga Area Regional Transit Authority, TN
- City of Chattanooga Department of Public Works, TN
- City of Columbus Health Department, OH
- City of Harrisburg, PA
- City of Irvine, CA
- City of Issaquah Resource Conservation Office, WA
- City of Kansas City Department of Environmental Management, MO
- City of Los Angeles,CA
- City of Madison Recycling Office, WI
- City of Mountain View, CA
- City of Minneapolis, MN
- City of Mountain View, CA
- City of Petaluma, CA
- City of Palo Alto, CA
- City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services, OR
- City of Portland Department of Transportation, OR
- City of Portland Water Bureau, OR
- City of Portland Energy Office, OR
- City of Portland Office of Sustainable Development, OR
- City of San Francisco, CA
- White House Office of Sustainable Development
Empowerment Institute’s non-profit research arm, Global Action Plan, has received the following foundation support for its research and development initiatives around behavior change, community empowerment and sustainable development.
- Bullitt Foundation
- Joyce Mertz Gilmore Foundation
- Kettering Foundation
- MacArthur Foundation
- Merck Family Fund
- Pew Charitable Trusts
- Rockefeller Family Services
- Sloan Foundation
- Surdna Foundation
- A Better World Fund
- Adobe Systems
- Ciba-Geigy Foundation
- Compton Foundation
- Cray Foundation