“FINALLY… there’s the Low Carbon Diet. The program is intelligently and imaginatively built to be user-friendly, easy and fun! I made new friends, was encouraged that others feel as passionately about safeguarding our planet as I do, and was supported by my EcoTeam in taking really significant actions that have made my household carbon-neutral! Amazing! Now I’m working with new and old friends to bring the Low Carbon Diet program to my community, and finally feeling a sense of hope for our future and the future of our Earth.”
— Patty Goodwin, Low Carbon Diet participant
“Low Carbon Diet is a deeply transforming book. It is indispensable to anyone who wants to make a difference on climate change.”
— Tim Flannery, author of The Weathermakers
“The Low Carbon Diet is amazingly effective at promoting true, sustainable change. The realities of our very green family’s carbon consumption were sobering, but David Gershon’s program has given us an easy-to-implement plan for dramatically lowering it. In fact, in the past month we have lost 114,550 pounds and we’re now carbon neutral!”
— Nan and Andy Satter, Low Carbon Diet participants
“This program helps you make the cool choice to quantify and reduce the impact you are having on the planet. Its 24 practical steps are embedded in a social change technology that leverages relationships to help people move from ideas to action. Go on this Low Carbon Diet with family, friends, co-workers and neighbors, and learn as much about each other as you do about climate change.”
— Leverage Points
“David Gershon has created a step-by-step program, à la Weight Watchers, designed to reduce a person’s carbon footprint. . . . Replete with checklists and illustrations, this user-friendly guide is a serious attempt at changing American energy-consumption behavior. . . . The timing for a book offering day-to-day solutions to an overwhelming global problem couldn’t be better.”
— The Christian Science Monitor
“Low Carbon Diet is a very effective program for helping people achieve real and lasting carbon reduction at the household level. We gave a copy to each person who was personally trained by Al Gore and The Climate Project to give a version of his slideshow. I recommend it to anyone who wants to do their part to reduce their carbon footprint.”
— Jenny Clad, Executive Director, Al Gore’s “The Climate Project”
“I have recently completed leading our first team of stewards through the Low Carbon Diet program. I wanted to congratulate you on a wonderfully helpful and powerfully simple workbook. It gets results! We’re planning a follow-on class of the same team, using Watershed Stewardship.”
— Greg Pepping, Executive Director, Coastal Watershed Council
Learn about the social change framework and research underpinning the Low Carbon Diet program in David Gershon’s award-winning book Social Change 2.0: A Blueprint for Reinventing Our World.Chapter 11 of the book is a case study of the Low Carbon Diet behavior change program and Cool Community empowerment model on which the Low Carbon Diet program is based.
Changing the World One Household at a Time, Portland’s 30 day program to lose 5000 lbs — Article by Sarah Rabkin about residential climate change program, Portland, OR. From the book, Creating a Climate for Change.

“Low Carbon Diet is a very effective program for helping people achieve real and lasting carbon reduction at the household level. We gave a copy to each person who was personally trained by Al Gore and The Climate Project to give a version of his slideshow. I recommend it to anyone who wants to do their part to reduce their carbon footprint.”
— Jenny Clad, Executive Director, Al Gore’s “The Climate Project