Caring for Self, Connecting with Society with Gail Straub
In these troubled times many of us are taking a long, hard look at the state of our souls as well as the state of the world. We recognize that at the deepest level our own health is inseparable from the health of the world, so if we wish to thrive society must also thrive.
In this workshop we’ll explore how to find your rhythm of compassion—an innate rhythm balancing care for soul and society. Gail Straub believes we each have a unique rhythm of compassion, and when we learn to follow our rhythm compassion blossoms in profound and inspiring ways.
Through lecture, guided meditation, journaling, and artwork we’ll address the questions that most of us encounter as we learn to follow our rhythm of compassion: How do I find the courage to face suffering—my own, my family, and my community? How do I find the time and energy to care for others, or, to care for myself? How do I know when I’ve done enough for the person I care for? What helps when the immensity of the suffering in the world, or inside me, overwhelms me? How do I cultivate genuine compassion rather than moral do-goodism?
Together we’ll explore the qualities of mature compassion—a quiet mind, an open heart, presence, and radical simplicity—that help us respond to these questions. We’ll look at the most common obstacles to genuine compassion—busyness, fear, control, rationalization, and the “fixing it” syndrome—and we’ll work with spiritual tools that can help overcome these barriers.
Recommended reading: The Rhythm of Compassion: Caring for Self, Connecting with Society by Gail Straub
“Gail Straub has written a book that addresses with great insight one of the central spiritual questions of our time—how do we care for others while still caring for ourselves? Her book is a must for everyone seeking answers.”
– Caroline Myss, author, Anatomy of the Spirit
To learn more about the The Rhythm of Compassion, read the excerpt from the book.

Rhythm of Compassion can be customized for a conference center, professional association, organization or training program. To learn more about this opportunity contact Gail Straub.

“This book addresses the most pressing question of our times: Can we heal ourselves and society simultaneously? God bless Gail Straub for writing this book. We need it to alleviate suffering, to stand for justice—and to do so with grace, love, and a joie de vivre.”
—Elizabeth Lesser, author, The Seeker’s Guide; co-founder, Omega Institute