“Gail Straub’s new book The Rhythm of Compassion is an invaluable book for people engaged in some form of social helping—whether it be as teacher or social worker, social change activist or healer. Straub provides tools and insights that will be invaluable for helping us to sustain a long-term commitment to transformation of the world. If you don’t have a spiritual practice that already sustains you, or if the very idea of “spiritual practice” brings up images of political reaction or inwardness unconnected to serving others, read this book and you’ll find a path that can provide balance in your life.”
—Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor, Tikkun Magazine; author, The Politics of Meaning: Restoring Hope and Possibility in an Age of Cynicism
“Gail Straub has been a trusted mentor and friend for many years. She and her husband’s Empowerment Training gave me the courage and self-confidence to create the new model for women’s health that has become the basis for my writing and teaching. So it is an honor for me to endorse The Rhythm of Compassion, which embodies Gail’s profound, graceful, and life changing presence and teaching. This book, like Gail herself, can change and improve your life, just as Gail has changed and uplifted mine.”
—Christiane Northrup, MD, author, Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom
“Gail Straub is a warm companion as well as an astute guide in this wise book. Unpretentious and engaging, The Rhythm of Compassion provides inspiring company as we strike our own unique balance of caring for self and society.”
—George Lakey, author, Powerful Peace Making; co-founder, Movement for a New Society
“May the message of this graceful book take hold in self and society now—in the present generation—and at this great turning of the millennial wheel.”
—Matthew Fox, author, Original Blessing and The Reinvention of Work
“Deep as the ocean, penetrating as the wind, purifying as fire, practical as earth. Gail Straub’s book is a gift of spirit. A simple and thorough guide to digging back through the layers of life, it helps deliver the reader to the deep well of compassion that dwells within every human heart. What is found within can then be given back to the larger circle of life as love and service.”
—Joan Borysenko, author, Seven Paths to God: The Ways of the Mystic
“Never was the question of the balance of action and contemplation as urgent. Gail Straub has lived the questions she explores here. This book is a thorough exploration of the creative and critical tension between action and contemplation. It is a wonderful achievement of the book to disclose so many of the secret bridges between the inner hemisphere of the soul and the outer world of action. Gail’s touch is sure as she grounds both worlds critically within the overarching world of narrative. An important book rich in story, reflection and suggestions for praxis. The balance she recommends will be crucial in setting the tonality of our new millennium.”
—John O’Donohue, author, Anam-Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom
“This book goes to the heart of compassion in action. It is a wonderfully wise guide on engaged spirituality.”
—Joan Halifax Roshi, author, The Fruitful Darkness
“How many of us have turned away from the ever-present suffering in our troubled world, out of despair and hopelessness about knowing how to help? Gail Straub tackles this issue head-on in this beautiful, wise, and practical book. In showing how our personal well-being is inescapably intertwined with the fate of all beings and the planet as a whole, Gail speaks with a voice of total authenticity, great compassion, and a seasoned understanding of all the challenges, joys, and dangers that one is likely to encounter along the path of service. This book is a guide that can change your life and expand your vision of what you are here for. Highly recommended!”
—John Welwood, author, Love and Awakening, Journey of the Heart
“Gail Straub’s clear-eyed compassion is grounded in years of both spiritual practice and social action. Defying our tendency to separate the soul’s longings for self-growth and social justice, Gail poignantly demonstrates the truth the heart has always known: that true self-care takes us deeper into the world and caring for the world takes us deeper into the essential self.”
—Oriah Mountain Dreamer, author, The Invitation
“If you long to make a difference in the world and struggle to find a way to balance self-care with service, then you must read this book.”
—Cheryl Richardson, author, Take Time for Your Life
“This is a book of great authenticity, practicality, and heart.”
—Sharon Salzberg, author, Loving Kindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happines
“Gail Straub has written a book that addresses with great insight one of the central spiritual questions of our time—how do we care for others while still caring for ourselves? Her book is a must for everyone seeking answers.”
– Caroline Myss, author, Anatomy of the Spirit
To learn more about the The Rhythm of Compassion, read the excerpt from the book.

Rhythm of Compassion can be customized for a conference center, professional association, organization or training program. To learn more about this opportunity contact Gail Straub.

“This book addresses the most pressing question of our times: Can we heal ourselves and society simultaneously? God bless Gail Straub for writing this book. We need it to alleviate suffering, to stand for justice—and to do so with grace, love, and a joie de vivre.”
—Elizabeth Lesser, author, The Seeker’s Guide; co-founder, Omega Institute