Empowerment Institute offers an original and comprehensive roadmap to bring about transformative social change that it calls Social Change 2.0. What follows is a brief explanation of this approach and a description of several large Empowerment Institute initiatives using this transformational framework and methodology.
View a short video of David Gershon talking about Social Change 2.0 with Deepak Chopra. Click here.
So many of the assumptions we have been operating with as a human community have proven faulty that we must literally re-envision them. And with the accelerating unraveling of our planet’s life support system and the deterioration of so many of our social systems, we are being called on to create rapid transformative change. But the current social change tools at our disposal of governmental command and control, financial incentives and citizen protest— Social Change 1.0—were designed for slow-moving, incremental change.
Not only must we reinvent our world, but also the process by which we achieve this reinvention. According to systems theory, when the current solutions prove inadequate for the magnitude of change required, a system goes into stress and begins to breakdown. What is required to help the system evolve is a second order change solution—or solution capable of transforming and reorganizing it at a higher level of performance and social value. Empowerment Institute’s Social Change 2.0 framework and methodology represents such a solution for our social systems.

To bring about the large scale transformations needed for humankind to evolve and enable us to have a viable planet to inhabit, we need leadership schooled in the competencies of transformative social change. With our planet on the line and with such a propitious opening for positive change available to us, this is not the time for change leaders to be foundering. We all need to be playing at our best. To that end Empowerment Institute has developed a variety of programs to build this capacity from our certification program, to our master class webinar series, to Social Change 2.0 study circles as well as other programs.

What follows are four Empowerment Institute Social Change 2.0 initiatives. Each social innovation is designed to transform a high leverage social or environmental issue and is now scaling up.
Climate: Empower cities and their citizens in high carbon emitting countries with the agency to implement a second order change solution to climate change. Learn more at Cool City Challenge and Cool Block.
Development: Empower women in the developing world with the agency to transform the cycle of poverty and create thriving lives and communities. Learn more at IMAGINE.
Peace: Empower humanity with the agency and second order change tools to create peace on earth by 2030. Learn more at Peace on Earth by 2030.
Reinventing the Planet: Empower humanity with the agency and a comprehensive second order change strategy to both achieve the UN global sustainable development goals and the future of our dreams. Learn more at Reinventing the Planet.
An introduction to the Social Change 2.0 philosophy and framework.
To learn more about the Social Change 2.0 framework and research underpinning this transformative change methodology, read the free download from the book’s introduction, “Reinventing Social Change.”

“This book is a practical and inspiring roadmap to the future we all know is possible. I know of no one more experienced to create such a roadmap than David Gershon, who has spent the past three decades empowering individuals and communities, as well as business and government leaders. I have looked forward to this book for some time to gain a deeper understanding of how David has initiated so much positive change and created so many innovative strategies to help people achieve their visions for a better world.”
—Hazel Henderson, author of “Ethical Markets: Growing the Green Economy and Building a Win-Win World