This certification program is currently unavailable.

Green Living Program
“The Green Living Program has demonstrated results. It can make a real difference. In our work with communities across America this is exactly the sort of tool for which they are searching.”
– Molly Olson, Executive Director, President’s Council on Sustainable Development
“The potential resource savings available through the Green Living Program are tremendous and what’s truly exciting about this approach is that it can serve as a catalyst to creating a more sustainable community.”
– Ava Frisinger, Mayor, City of Issaquah, WA
“This Green Living Program is the first step-by-step plan for turning environmental concern into action.”
– The Chicago Tribune
Livable Neighborhood Program
“I have been personally struck by the remarkable effectiveness of the Livable Neighborhood Program’s ability to engage neighbors and empower them to sustain action on a block level. Through our work with this program, I have become absolutely convinced that it’s state-of-the-art ‘social technology’ has immense potential to transform individual behavior and neighorhoods.”
– Christopher Patusky, Deputy Director, Fels School of Government University of Pennsylvania
“The Livable Neighborhood Program is a cutting edge tool for municipal officials. It is comprehensive, easy to use, and provides a common sense approach to building stronger and more livable neighborhoods. The hands on exercises will help neighbors translate their needs and visons into practical and tangible results.”
– Elton Gatewood, President Neighborhod USA
Water Stewardship Program
“Empowerment Institute’s Water Stewardship program has allowed us to track exactly what changes people made in their lifestyle and estimate the pollution reduction that results from these changes. It’s definitely an exciting new tool for behavioral change. And one of its unique features is how much fun people have getting together with their neighbors and working on these issues.”
– Aileen Winquist, Environmental Planner Arlington County Department of Environmental Services
“Our river conservation group has struggled for years to develop an effective way to engage and motivate citizens to reduce pollutants they generate that go into the river. The Water Stewardship program is the first tool we have found that really works. The program’s focus on neighbor-to-neighbor interaction, along with its highly structured approach makes it more than just another book with good ideas. We believe the program holds great promise for helping communities develop concrete programs for achieving quantitative non-point-source reductions.”
– John Tippett, Executive Director, Friends of the Rappahannock
Disaster Resilient Community Program
“I found the program exceptional and incredibly important. It provided structured detail on how to prepare for a series of potential situations. It was simple and did not make a stressful process overwhelming. The support and communication with my team was extremely helpful. I am so over-committed in my life, if I can do this anybody can.”
– Claresa Fisher
“I was impressed with the organized layout of the materials. The individual actions were terrific. Each one was easy to do and the step-by-step outline was very user-friendly. The presentation allowed me to calm down about the ‘what ifs.’ My favorite part was the meetings. I got a lot of ideas and felt very supported by the group.”
– Deborah Queller
To learn about some of the transformative social change strategies and tactics integrated into these programs view the following videos:
Reinventing the Social Change Formula: An Overview
The Essence of the New Social Change Formula
Beyond the “Good Fight”
From Pathology to Vision
Building A Resilient New York City
Secrets of Social Diffusion
Advanced Training for Social Change Agents
Read about the Empowerment Institute Certification Program in a free download from David Gershon’s award-winning book Social Change 2.0: A Blueprint for Reinventing Our World, “Building Leadership Capacity to Change the World: A School for Transformative Social Change.”
Listen to excerpts from David Gershon and Gail Straub’s best-selling book Empowerment: The Art of Creating Your Life As You Want It, read by the authors:

“The Green Living Program has demonstrated results. It can make a real difference. In our work with communities across America this is exactly the sort of tool for which they are searching.”
– Molly Olson, Executive Director, President’s Council on Sustainable Development