What follows is the data analysis, assumptions and algorithms for the Impact Report’s quantitative metrics across the five levers as of June 2023. It includes direct impact and indirect impact or long tail impact from the ripple effect where relevant.
20 billion pounds of CO2 reduced: This is based on EIs work with 2 million plus households since 1990 across 22 countries and over 200 cities using our Green Living, Low Carbon Diet, and Cool Block Programs. Households on average reduced their carbon footprint by 10,000 pounds. 2 million people x 10,000 pounds = 20 billion pounds.
Note: This is a conservative number as it only counts the first year of carbon reduction where we have data. This carbon reduction based on our research continues and often increases. This number is likely 10 to 15x more.
31% average carbon footprint reduction per household: This is based on our research with approximately 5,000 Cool Block participants who created their baseline carbon footprints and took actions in the program to reduce it.
25 actions on average taken per household: This is based on the average number of actions reported per household for our Green Living and Cool Block programs.
45% recruitment rate per block: This is based on the average neighbor to neighbor recruitment rate achieved for the Cool Block program.
10 million plus people directly engaged: This is based on 2 million households x 2.5 people per household = 5 million people. Plus 50% of people in the program based on our research transfer what they learned to their workplace influencing the behavior of at least 5 people.1 million x 5 people = 5 million participants. Total: 10 million.
Note: This is a conservative number as program participants influence the behavior of many more people than 5 in their workplaces and they likely take more than five actions. But since we have no actual data we are estimating conservatively.
75 million plus actions taken: 2 million households x 25 actions = 50 million actions. 5 million participants x 5 actions each = 25 million actions.
Note: This is a conservative number as program participants influence the behavior of many more people than 5 in their workplaces and they likely take more than five actions. But since we have no actual data we are estimating conservatively.
250 million people impacted: This is based on the behavioral change ripple effect of influencing extended family members, one’s social network, neighbors and coworkers. Our estimate is that 10 million people will each influence the behavior of at least 25 people over time. 10 million x 25= 250 million people impacted.
30,000 plus IMAGINE participants: This is based upon the number of people who have participated in Empowerment Workshops led by Imagine trainers over the past 12 years.
750,000 people directly impacted by the IMAGINE program: This is based on the direct impact an empowered woman with agency has on her immediate family, social network and community members. We conservatively estimate this to be 25 people. In smaller developing world communities it tends to be a lot larger as people are quite connected. 30,000 people x 25 = 750,000 people.
7.5 million people indirectly impacted by the ripple effect: This is based on the ripple effect of these 25 people who then communicate the agency social norm to others. We conservatively estimate this to be 10 people each. In smaller developing world communities it tends to be a lot larger as people are quite connected. 750,000 people x 10 = 7.5 million people.
Program delivered through 44 partner organizations: This is based on the number of Imagine partner organizations participating in the Imagine global community across 10 countries.
126 IMAGINE trainers: This is based on the number of trainers who have participated in the rigorous year-long Imagine Certification Program and are certified to lead the four-day Empowerment Workshop. There is also an advanced training program where NGOs are certified to train other NGOs.
1 billion people impacted by the First Earth Run: This is based on our estimate, and that of our partner UNICEF, of the amount of people who were aware of the First Earth Run through worldwide television and newspaper coverage.
Note: This number is conservative as the story of the First Earth Run has continued to be told and retold over the ensuing four decades.
25 million people participated: This is based on an estimate of crowd sizes aggregated from various events across hundreds of cities in 62 countries and along the relay route.
45 heads of state participated: This is based on our analysis of the number of heads of state who participated either directly or indirectly in the First Earth Run.
62 countries participated: This is based on the number of countries that either participated on the main relay route or tied in through torch bearers bringing the fire back to their countries.
300 plus cities participated: This is based on the number of cities we worked with across the 62 countries.
- Note: Thus is a conservative number as many more cities than the ones we directly engaged with participated.
2,650 plus players: This is based on approximately 250 Peace Teams averaging 7 players each playing the in-person game (1,750) and approximately 250 players playing the global online game. These players come from 21 countries. (Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Columbia, Ghana, Guatemala, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, Sweden, Uganda, United Kingdom and United States)
66,000 plus peace actions taken: This is based on 2,650 players averaging 25 actions each. This is an approximation.
1.8 million plus people impacted: This number is based on each player’s peace actions directly influencing 25 people in their immediate network and then rippling out from those people to 10 more people. This is an approximation. We project that this is a conservative number as the ripple effect is likely much larger.
61 POE Partners
This is based on the number of POE Partners participating in furthering the Peace on Earth by 2030 movement through engaging their networks to play the Peace Game and start POE Zones. This number is rapidly growing.
7 Peace on Earth (POE) Zones: These are our seven pilot Peace on Earth Zones: Kabul, Afghanistan; Butula, Kenya; Al Houz, Morocco; Cape Town, South Africa; Awutu, Ghana; Crestone, Colorado and Louisville, Kentucky. A dozen more are in the pipeline.
Impacted 65 million plus people directly through its empowerment trainings, social change programs, initiatives and books: This is based on 4,000 plus empowerment trainers impacting a minimum of 5,000 people through their trainings. 4,000 x 5,000 = 20 million. 10 million people impacted from environmental and other behavior change programs. 750,000 people through the Imagine development program. 25 million people through the First Earth Run. 3 million people from The Game. 5 million people from David Gershon and Gail Straub’s trainings, lectures, media and books. Total 65 million people.
50,000 plus Empowerment Workshop participants worldwide: This is based on thirty thousand people attending Empowerment Workshops led by Imagine practitioners. 20,000 plus people attending David Gershon and Gail Straub’s Empowerment Workshops over four decades.
Trained 4,000 plus practitioners in empowerment and social change:
Trained 300 plus Empowerment Workshop trainers
Trained 200 plus Empowerment Life Coaches
Trained 300 plus people to deliver its organizational empowerment programs
Trained 500 plus people to embed the Empowerment Framework in various programs
Trained 750 plus people to deliver its 5 community empowerment programs (Green Living, Low Carbon Diet, Resilient Community, Livable Neighborhood, and Water Stewardship)
Trained 1,000 plus people in the Practice of Empowerment
Trained 1,000 plus people om Transformative Leadership Training
Development and delivery of Journey for the Planet (children’s sustainable lifestyle program) to 100 plus schools.
Development and delivery of Jedi Training on peace and social change to 30,000 plus people: This is based on accessing the activist network of our marketing partner, Unify, and large Facebook Live events. This was complemented by each of the eight sessions having a strong viral element.
Wrote 20 books on empowerment and social change
Created 72 empowerment and social change videos
$200 million plus raised in cash and in kind contributions for initiatives: This is based on four decades of cash and in kind funding raised to support the First Earth Run across 62 countries, Olympic Torch Relay and major media associated with both, climate and environmental initiatives in 20 plus countries and multiple social change initiatives.
50 million plus hours of voluntary civic engagement: This is based on an average of 40 hours of volunteer leadership for 285,000 plus teams = 11 million hours. Plus 2 million program participants each spending 20 hours engaged in doing various behavior change programs to improve the environment, their neighborhoods and communities. 2 million x 20 hours per person = 40 million hours.
28 Foundation Grants. This only accounts for grants within the US. It is many times larger accounting for all the funding raised by the 20 plus countries involved in our environmental initiatives.
65 City contracts: This only accounts for contracts with US cities. It is many times larger accounting for all the funding raised by the 20 plus countries involved in our environmental initiative.
$5 million Reinventing the Planet seed capital raised. This was an investment of a philanthropist, Josie Maran, in the Reinventing the Planet plan.