“Through the Livable Neighborhood Program neighbors take specific actions to make their blocks better places to live. Our City is re-inventing itself through our Neighborhood Transformation Initiative and this program fits perfectly. The Livable Neighborhood Program empowers citizens to improve their blocks and increase the quality of life for each neighbor. Simply said: the Livable Neighborhood Program is a winner.”
—John Street, mayor, City of Philadelphia
“I have been personally struck by the remarkable effectiveness of the Livable Neighborhood Program’s ability to engage neighbors and empower them to take and sustain action on a block level. Through our work with this program, I have become absolutely convinced that it’s state-of-the-art ‘social technology’ has immense potential here in Philadelphia and across the country to transform individual behavior and neighborhoods.”
—Christopher Patusky, deputy director Fels School of Government, University of Pennsylvania
“The Livable Neighborhood Program is an excellent tool for local municipalities. It empowers neighbors and puts them in control of creating their neighborhood into a connected and safe community. There are activities in the program that fit the needs of almost any type of neighborhood and that is really appealing to us as a city!”
—John Stufflebean, director, Department of Environmental Management, Kansas City, MO
“The Livable Neighborhood Program is a cutting edge tool for municipal officials and neighborhood organizers. It is comprehensive, easy to use, and provides a common sense approach to building stronger and more livable neighborhoods. The hands-on exercises will help neighbors translate their needs and visions into practical and tangible results.”
—Elton Gatewood, president, Neighborhood, USA
“The Livable Neighborhood program serves to empower people by providing them tools to successfully improve their neighborhoods. The program creates accountability between the city and its citizens, creating a win-win civic compact. In today’s world it is so hopeful to find a program like this. It is a great service to our communities.”
—Kathleen A. McGinty, secretary, Department of Environmental Protection, Pennsylvania
“Community organizers in Madison are unanimously enthusiastic about the Livable Neighborhood Program’s action-oriented grassroots approach. They see it as a low cost and effective blueprint for neighborhood empowerment.”
—Mark Miller, state representative, State of Wisconsin
“The Livable Neighborhood Program is a blueprint to bring measurable improvement to households, neighborhoods and our environment. What is great about the program is that everyone, neighbor-to-neighbor is working together and taking responsibility.”
—Shirley Kitchen, state senator, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
“The Livable Neighborhood Program empowers citizens to take personal responsibility for the blocks in which they live. It makes a real difference in the lives of neighborhood residents. The program is a model for other cities and I am proud EPA is part of such an important and worthy endeavor in Philadelphia.”
—Donald S. Welsh, regional administrator, US EPA Region III

Empowerment Institute’s Social Change 2.0 community organizing leadership certification with a focus on implementation of the Livable Neighborhood Program. You will learn how to facilitate an empowerment training, provide empowerment coaching, and use the Social Change 2.0 framework, strategies, and skills to architect a transformational community intervention. You will also receive the Livable Neighborhood Program training scripts, organizing templates, and guidance on how to customize the campaign to the unique needs of your community and project.
Livable Neighborhood
Making Life Better on the Street Where You Live
by David Gershon.
The workbook contains thirty-five block level actions and livability assessments for each of four topics: health and safety, beautification and greening, resource sharing and neighborhood building.
To learn more about the Social Change 2.0 framework and research underpinning the Livable Neighborhood Program see Social Change 2.0.

“I have been personally struck by the remarkable effectiveness of the Livable Neighborhood Program’s ability to engage neighbors and empower them to take and sustain action on a block level. Through our work with this program, I have become absolutely convinced that it’s state-of-the-art ‘social technology’ has immense potential here in Philadelphia and across the country to transform individual behavior and neighborhoods.”
—Christopher Patusky, deputy director Fels School of Government, University of Pennsylvania